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October 13, 2023

Official Statement

🇬🇧 Appeal to fans

Victoria Hotspurs F.C. greatly appreciates the attendance and the continuous and generous support shown by our numerous fans during our matches. This support greatly helps and encourages our players to give their maximum during the course of the match.

There may then be instances, such as during the match against Sannat Lions F.C., that due to debatable and controversial decisions by the referee against our team, the emotions and the reaction of our fans may exceed the limit expected from them. This behavior will then lead to disciplinary consequences against the players and the Club which no one wishes. It is for this reason that this appeal is being made on the part of the committee so that everyone who loves our club behaves well during the matches and restrains himself from expressing any contempt towards the referees or towards the fans of the opposite team .

The club would like to reassure everyone that appropriate action has been taken by the committee regarding the referee’s actions in the said game. The club will remain vigilant so that the interests of Victoria Hotspurs FC are never harmed.


🇲🇹 Appell lill-partitarji.

Il-klabb tal-Victoria Hotspurs japprezza ħafna l-attendenza u s-support kontinwu u kaloruż tal-partitarji numerużi tagħna waqt il-loghbiet tagħna. Dan is-support jgħin u jħeġġeġ bil-kbir lill-plejers tagħna sabiex jagħtu l-massimu tagħhom matul il-partita.
Jistgħu imbagħad jiġu mumenti, bħal ma’ ġara matul il-logħba kontra Sannat Lions F.C., illi minħabba deċiżjonijiet diskuttibbli u kontroversali ferm minn naħa tar-referee, fil-konfront tat-tim tagħna, l-emozzjonijiet u r-reazzjoni tal-partitarji forsi jeċċedu l-limitu mistenni minnhom. Din l-imġieba imbagħad twassal li jkun hemm konsegwenzi dixxipplinari kontra il-plejers u l-klabb tagħna, u li ħadd ma jieħu pjacir bihom. Huwa għalhekk illi qiegħed isir dan l-appell minn naħa tal-kumitat sabiex kull min iħobb il-klabb tagħna jġib ruħu tajjeb waqt il-partiti u jrażżan lilu inniffsu minn kull disprezz lejn t-terna arbitrarja jew lejn il-partitarji tat-tim oppost.

Il-klabb jixtieq iserraħ ras kulhadd illi ttieħdet azzjoni xierqa minn naħa tal-kumitat dwar l-aġir tar-referee tal-logħba msemmija. Il-klabb ser jibqa’ viġilanti sabiex l-interessi tal-Victoria Hotspurs FC ma jiġu qatt mittiefsa.


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Gozo Stadium | 20 April 2024

Victoria Hotspurs F.C.

4 - 0

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