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March 16, 2024

Club Statement

🇲🇹 Huwa bi pjaċir kbir illi l-klabb tal-Victoria Hotspurs F.C. jħabbar illi, bi ftiehem mall-Malta Football Association (MFA) u mall-Gozo Football Association (GFA), l-applikazzjoni tiegħu illi jsir membru tal- MFA ser titpoġġa għal vot tal-delegati tal-Assemblea Ġenerali tal-MFA f’data bejn l-1 u l-15 ta’ Mejju 2024 (data preciża titħabbar aktar il-quddiem). F’każ illi l-Assemblea Ġenerali tapprova din l- applikazzjoni l-Victoria Hotspurs F.C. jibdew jilgħabu fl-MFA Amateur League minn Settembru 2024.
Il-membri tal-Assemblea Ġenerali huwa kompost mill-klabbs kollha Maltin li jipparteċipaw fil-Malta Premier League, Malta Challenge League u Malta Amateur League, flimkien ma’ numru ta’ Assoċjazzjonijiet affiljati mall-MFA.
Matul l-gimgħat li ġejjin il-Victoria Hotspurs F.C. ser ikomplu jaħdmu mall-membri tal-Assemblea Generali sabiex l-applikazzjoni tagħhom tiġi approvata minnhom u sabiex x-xewqa tal-klabb li jilgħab fil-kampjonat Malti issir realta’.

🇬🇧 It is with great pleasure that Victoria Hotspurs F.C. announce that, in agreement with the Malta Football Association (MFA) and the Gozo Football Association (GFA), its request to become a member of the MFA will be put to a vote of the MFA General Assembly between the 1st and the 15th May 2024 (exact date to be announced later). In the event that the General Assembly approves the application then Victoria Hotspurs F.C. will begin participating in the MFA Amateur League from September 2024.
The members of the General Assembly are composed of all Maltese football Clubs that participate in the Malta Premier League, the Malta Challenge League, the Malta Amateur League, together with a number of Associations affiliated with the MFA.
In the coming weeks Victoria Hotspurs F.C. will continue working with the members of the General Assembly to convince them to approve its application and see that the Club’s desire to play in the Malta Football League becomes a reality.

Next match

Latest results

Gozo Stadium | 20 April 2024

Victoria Hotspurs F.C.

4 - 0

Munxar Falcons F.C.

Victoria Hotspurs F.C. v Munxar Falcons F.C.

Fixtures 2018/2019